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Éducation, TICE, culture libre
In all aspects of our life, teamwork plays a vital role. Whether we’re on a field or in the boardroom, we engage with and depend on others to accomplish virtually every task.
Because we depend so heavily on teams, we don’t want to leave it to chance to construct and manage them.
Fortunately for us, researchers and entrepreneurs Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone distill the process of creating the highest performing teams in their best-selling book, Team Genius: The New Science of High Performing Teams.
Here are five of the most important factors for high-performing teams, along with some unusual findings that may contradict your previous assumptions about successful-team building.
1. Self-awareness at the team level.
While teams consist of individuals, a cohesive team is in fact a stand-alone, unified structure. The book presents a list of 20 questions that a leader should answer when assembling a team. Huffington Post writer Vanessa Van Edwards boils down the 20 questions to five “power questions:”
Are you in the right team in the right moment?
Can your team stay ahead of the changes in your industry?
Are your teams the right size for the job?
Do you have the right people in the right positions on your team?
Is your team prepared for a crisis, disruption, or change in leadership?
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